2025 The Dawn of a New Era

To All our Members, Partners, Friends and Colleagues we send you our Warmest Wishes for a vibrant and successful year ahead.

“I truely believe our new political campaign is gaining great traction and if we all work together we can make 2025 a year of renewed hope. Since its inception in 1851 the public toilet has risen and fallen in public conciousness many times. We once were the envy of all nations and our hygiene standards were exemplorary. But how they have diminished in the last 20 years – to the point of this country closing over 60% of its publicly accessible toilets and allowing the remaining units to fall into such dire repair and poor levels of cleanliness and hygiene. If Covid taught us anything it should have been to raise aour standards of cleanliness, hygiene and provision to combat the increasig threat of disease and transmission of germs. We need to renew our ight to decent clean sanitation and hygiene in readiness for the next pandemic.

The New Labour government is currently extremely interested in engaging with the BTA and hopes are high for a future public toilet strategy and a close working agreement. Also we look forward to working closely with many charities, organisations and individuals to help raise the standards of all “away from home” toilets, washrooms and bathroomSince the launch in 1851 s across the UK & Ireland”

Raymond Boyd Martin
Managing Director