9 Point Publicity Plan

‘Where Can I Go’: 9 Point Publicity Plan for Campaign Supporters

  1. Get to know the names of the news team at your local paper – and radio station (and even TV) and tell them about the ‘Where can I go’ Campaign and the reason for your support. Send or e-mail them a press release, or even pick up the phone. (Most of them are really quite human (!) and enjoy slightly different stories, like the ‘WHERE CAN I GO? CAMPAIGN.)
  2. If you do send out a press release, print it onto headed paper which identifies your supporter organisation and make sure you include details about where and how you can be contacted.
  3. If appropriate, include names and details of individual who are adversely affected by having ‘Nowhere to go’. (And include first names as well as surnames.) And if you are sending photos, it is preferable to send black & white prints, around 8” x 6” – captioned with the names of any people featured – or e-mail relevant information with any digital photographs.
  4. Make sure your press releases are straightforward, practical and to the point. Hard-working reporters don’t like (and won’t bother) to wade through acres of ‘puffery’ about your company/organisation. And also make sure your release is properly typed and accurate. The best possible way to spot a mistake is to see it in print in the local paper! Make sure you spot any inaccuracies before the release goes out.
  5. Carefully select your media. The Daily Mail is pretty unlikely to be interested in a story about an isolated, local, situation (unless there’s a really good news angle) but the local weeklies and evening papers normally are.
  6. Don’t complain to editors who don’t use your stories. It’s just not worth the effort. Act on your Awards sooner rather than later while this year’s competition is still fresh in their and your minds.
  7. Think hard about any separate news angles (the impact on individuals, the community, and the consequences of lack of provision on particular groups etc). Anything that can help to add further ‘meat’ to your story.
  8. Make sure that anyone who is interviewed by a local radio station is briefed, knows his or her facts, and is genuinely an ambassador for your organisation.
  9. And finally, BTA relies very much on membership and commercial sponsorship, so please try and mention BTA in any publicity you undertake. Our members and sponsors will then be associated with the ‘WHERE CAN I GO? CAMPAIGN as well.


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