Chris Evans is toilet champion!

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Chris Evans showed genuine interest in the BTA ‘Where can I go?’ Campaign during an interview with mystery guest Mike Bone, Director of BTA, on Chris Evans Breakfast Show this Wednesday. Chris agreed to be a ‘toilet champion’ in supporting the Campaign.

The ‘Where can I go?’ Campaign recognises the need for BTA to change focus from a ‘top down’ approach -directed primarily at Central Government, to a ‘bottom up’ approach’ – directed primarily at local government – (and commercial
providers) the actual source, and authority responsible for provision of publicly accessible toilets.

There has been a realisation that a ‘call to action’ is needed with the support of other associations and organisations that will add more than the sum of the constituent parts to the force of a new campaign. The result is a campaign that will change attitudes to meeting a basic human need – provision of clean, hygienic and safe publicly accessible toilets that are available where and when needed for all types of users.

This is a campaign that considers the needs of all types of toilet users who all need somewhere to go: the old, those with special needs, babies and children, women, visitors to the UK and those with anxieties about using public toilets.

The benefits will include toilet facilities for all, better environments, reduced health

risks and total cost savings versus provider inactivity.

Full details of the Campaign are shown on the BTA website This includes a Campaign Toolkit available to support campaigners.

Mike Bone commented: “In the run up to the general election voters will be aware of towns and cities where they have nowhere to go, or the facilities provided are inadequate to meet all users’ needs.

“Public toilets are not an option or a target forĀ  discretionary cost cutting but an essential provision to meet basic human needs. Politicians should be aware of the power of the electorate, and the media, when faced with the emotional issue of toilet closures.” BTA welcome support from all those that care about public facilities throughout the UK.

15th January 2010