The NEW Standard Toilet

“SLANTY” Innovation
in Toilet Design
It is estimated that in the United Kingdom alone, extended employee breaks costs
industry and commerce an estimated £4 billion per annum. With the advent of flexible zero hour contracts
it is easy to see why our StandardToilet can be an asset to a business.
Our unique Patent Application, applicable both UK and worldwide, offers the ability to increase business efficiency and profits through reductions in social media usage.
The – Problems – with – modern – day – Toilets
Medical studies have suggested that it can cause swollen haemorrhoids and
weakening of pelvic muscles.
In modern times , the workplace toilet has become private texting and social
media usage space.
In commercial shopping malls and train stations, a requirement to reduce queuing
has become a necessity.
Innovation – Product Design
Health & Wellbeing
Medical studies have suggested that using the traditional WC can cause swollen
haemorrhoids and weakening of pelvic muscles. *
* NHS- UK Guidance Notes *Harvard Medical School
- Easy to clean glazed ceramic
2. Soft Close toilet seat option
3. Water saving 3/6 Litre Dual Flush
4. Available in White/Grey
5. Suite includes concealed cistern
6. Specially designed slots in the rim allow for a more uniform, quieter flush
7. Ceramic is high-pressure cast, yielding a more uniform and consistent product
8. Easy sit on / get up design
9. Health Benefits – Reduction in haemorrhoids/musculoskeletal disorder
Reduce queuing
Current toilet seats provide a horizontal seating surface. This enables a user to sit
relatively comfortably on the toilet. As a result, a user may spend longer than
necessary sitting on the toilet without short-term discomfort. Sitting on a toilet for
longer than is necessary is generally undesirable.
1. Easy to clean glazed ceramic
2. Soft Close toilet seat option
3. Water saving 3/6 Litre Dual Flush
4. Available in White/Grey
5. Cistern sits directly on the pan surface allowing the direct transfer of water
6. Specially designed slots in the rim allow for a more uniform, quieter flush
7. Ceramic is high-pressure cast, yielding a more uniform and consistent product
8. Easy sit on / get up design
9. Health Benefits – Reduction in haemorrhoids/musculo-skeletal disorder
Benefits to Disabled Toilet users: By using our uniquely designed WC, the time spent on the WC is considerably reduced, easing queuing congestion and benefitting by reduction in overspill usage
of disabled facilities.
Office & commercial buildings
Shopping malls
Public spaces
Motorway service stations
Pubs & restaurants
Sports events, theatre & concert halls
Seaside resorts
Patent Details:
Patent Attorneys – Swindell & Pearson Ltd
Swindell & Pearsons file No: RPL/SP/44435GB
United Kingdom Patent Application No. 1909327.7
Business case Details and
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